Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Beis of Creation

Words sequenced and arranged by Aharon Moshe ben-Dovid Sanders, Passaic NJ September 23, 2007. The thoughts, ideas, and concepts are not my own, they are ancient. The choice of wording, presentation, and sequencing is uniquely mine. Permission to use this orginal sequence is expressely prohibited. You may learn these ideas here, however you may not take them out of context. Please refer interested parties directly to this site. For all legal purposes please consider this posting of these words on to the web as the intial publication. Any direct reproduction of this whall be condsidered a copywrite infringent and all penalties provided by will be strictly enforced will be enforced.

Why does the 1st word of the first letter of the Torah begin with a Beis (second letter of the hebrew alphabet) instead of Aleph (the first letter of the Hebrew aleph-beis)?

There was an entire sequence of events which proceeded the creation (as told from Bereishis) . The expalnation goes as follows:

The first act of creation (which was preceeded by the thought of creation) was that Hashem had to make room for the unviverse as we know it to exist. In order to do that he withdrew a portion of himself. This concept is explained by kabbalah and the Zohar as Tzimzum or restriction. This concept in itself is huge, and if you consider all the competing ideas on the creation of the universe, it is the only one which makes perfect sense.

Then when we return to the narrative in the Torah, "G-d said let there be light"

Likewise we have another concept which is outside of the written torah, we call this oral torah. Oral torah is recognized as legitimate Torah in that these parts of the Torah were handed down from our Avos in an oral tradition. Some of this Torah was ultimately recorded as a body of work called Talmud.

The vessels which were to receive this light, in its pure form emanating from Elokim, the cause of all causes, the creater of the Universe, were not able to contain this light and shattered. The breaking of these vessels should not chas va shaolom ever be thought of as an imperfection in Hashems creation, rather it is something which is intamtely tied in with free will, and another important concept called bread of shame.

The vessells were creted with each utterance and likewiss could not contain the energy which issued from Hashem within his ten utterances which are deliniated in Bereshis (Genesis). These vessels are individually referred to as the ten sphierot fused into what might could be called the first man or primordial man or Adam Kadman.

The common Rabbinic explanation as to why the pluaral form is used in the very revealing phrase: "Let us create Man In our Image" is that G-d Hashem-Elokim, the omniscient one, knower of all things that ever was, is or will be, consulted with angels prior to the creation of man. This rabbinic explanation may immediatly solve the "let us our image" problem, however how many more questions doesthis overly simplistic answer create?

(to be continued-pehaps on a new blog page in this domain)

Aharon Moshe


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